To fix communication problems, you must first learn how to deal with
conflict. People generally avoid conflict out of fear, but they need to
consider how a problem can actually work for them, rather than against.
Patience, empathy and compassion are key elements to effectively resolve
most communication problems between people. Avoid ambivalence and try
to be objective, as well. Here are some other tips to try if you want to
fix communication problems.
Find out what happened and get them talking. In order to fix
communication problems, you will primarily have to be a good listener.
If a problem exists between two people, try to listen to what each has
to say separately and privately. Avoid telling them they will have to
eventually speak with the other party involved. The aim here is to allow
each person to vent.
Determine the source of conflict. Fights or arguments are
rarely about a single occurrence or event. You can get some background
about a situation and the people involved by talking with teachers,
friends or family members.
Consider cultural differences. Cultural differences between
people can spawn a host of problems. Oftentimes, conflicts arise because
of a simple lack of understanding. Use reverse role play to help people
better understand each other.
Bring both parties together and set ground rules. People
need to understand that arguing can be a valuable skill. They also need
to know there are acceptable and unacceptable ways to fight with each
other. Be sure to set ground rules as to how the discussion will
progress. Tell them that personal attacks are a non-productive form of
fighting, for example.
Use a professional or educational mediator. If all else
fails, enlist the services of someone who is formally trained to fix
communication problems between people. Many professional mediators are
highly educated counselors, lawyers and some are even former judges.
Most businesses and schools have free services for students or
employees, for example.