Writing and Editing Help for ESL Authors

Scientific and academic publishing have long been fueled by the publish-or-perish maxim. Researchers across the globe, particularly those for who English is not the first language (ESL, or English-as-a-second-language authors), face intense publication pressures. There are two main reasons why publishing research findings internationally is considered important. First, the sharing of scientific research finds is critical to the development of science. Second, publishing papers increases the academic and professional credibility of the researcher, as a trusted contributor to research in his or her field. Thus, the pressure on researchers to get published or be accepted for publication is immense and has led to an exponential increase in annual research output.

However, the biggest challenge ESL author's face is that of writing manuscripts that reflect the language standards expected by the international research community. Journals are becoming increasingly stringent with manuscript screening and poor English can in fact prevent a paper from being considered for publication or delay the publication process.

This is where seeking help from professional English editing services can ensure that ESL authors are able to submit publication-ready manuscripts that are free from grammatical and language errors. A good online editing service provider ascertains that the manuscript meets the widely accepted standards for language quality as well as helps ESL authors improve their writing skills. Today, authors have access to a number of online English editing service providers that assist authors through various stages of the publication process.

To begin with academic editing services help ESL authors by conducting a thorough check for all grammatical and language issues. But different service providers offer different levels of editing - from basic proofreading to intensive structural assessment through developmental editing. Proofreading, basic language-focused editing, and intensive language and structural editing are the three most commonly available service offerings for ESL authors. Depending on their editorial requirements they can choose the service that suits their needs.

For example, an intensive editorial review can help ESL authors when:

• They are not sure whether they have followed all the conventions in writing an article for journal submission.
• They do not have much experience in writing articles for journal submission.
• They are open to making changes to the structure or content of their manuscripts.
• They are looking for extensive editing support at no additional charge after the first round of editing.

For most ESL authors who have significant experience in writing articles for journal submission, basic language editing is a cost-effective option. A basic language edit provides detailed sentence-level changes in order to make the English sound smooth and natural, while bringing out the meaning clearly. Proofreading ensures that the manuscript is free of glaring typographical, grammatical, or spelling errors.

Scientific manuscript editing and proofreading can also help eliminate other errors such as incorrect punctuation (e.g., with the use of commas and brackets to set off additional information within text), inaccurate symbols (e.g., using the numeral zero instead of the degree symbol), or inconsistent use of capitalization with section headings.

ESL researchers may have gained mastery over their field, but they may not be excellent writers. Seeking the assistance of an English editing service could help them improve the quality of their manuscripts. A good editor could make the crucial difference between publication and rejection (or delayed publication). I am admittedly a word addict, ever enthralled by the infinite potential of words to enable people to reach out, express, forge relationships, and build our own languages, histories, and futures. As a BELS-certified editor, I have helped authors develop effective, publication-ready manuscripts. And now, as a content writer at Editage - English Editing Service Provider, I thrive in the engaging universe of words to create compelling communication materials.